
Assumption as Controls

We are excited to announce a brand-new format for our Assumptions. Our Assumptions (available in assumptions[]) is a list of text-based assumptions shown in the screenshot below. These Assumptions are crucial to personalizing a given scenario. Typically represented as a bulleted list like this:

Today, we're announcing a redesign of these Assumptions! We are calling them Responses. As you can see in the screenshot below, the two-column layout of labels and form controls results in a much tidier layout. Boolean inputs like "Self-employed" below are more apparent than before. Toggle switches like "Show chart" use a switch control. Critically, the new UX of changing assumptions results in a faster and more engaging session.

This new layout of Responses is a soft rollout, meaning we're supporting both Assumptions and Responses simultaneously. Today's release introduces the responses[] property in the API and questionLabel and valueLabel on questions.