
New API response format

Versions 0.16.0 (beta) and 0.17.0 represent the introduction of a new API response format for the Taffrail API.


Variables of Date type weren't always Dates

This has been fixed.


Added reference docs to all `advice` objects

All Taffrail Advice has supporting references and sources. Previously, all sources were attached as referenceDocuments on the API's adviceset property. Without changing the adviceset response, it is now possible for references to be added to individual advice objects as referenceDocuments.


Added support for externally sourced Variable values

It is now possible for the value of a Variable to be provided from an asynchronous API source.


New bold and emphasis formats in AttributedString mode

The attributions returned when requesting the AttributedString content type have been updated to include bold and emphasis formats as intended by the author.


Updated AttributedString type

The attributions returned when requesting the AttributedString content type have been changed to be more specific about their individual intent.


New native AttributedString support

New Advice Content Types were released in version 0.8 supporting Advice content in a reliable format as requested.


New Advice Content Types

All-new Advice Content Types supporting Advice content in a reliable format as requested.


Renamed `form.questionVariable.reservedName` to ``

This brings consistency to the form.questionVariable property within an INPUT_REQUEST item in the advice[] list.


Removed HTML and Raw Advice properties by default

All ADVICE items in the advice[] list no longer have properties ending with _html and _raw by default.