Embedding Advice

Taffrail has a simple yet sophisticated Advice embed widget. This is similar in behavior to embeds for Google Maps, YouTube videos, or Facebook profiles.

Paste one line of code into your existing website, app, or CMS. We use Web Components and oEmbed, an industry standard schema for embedded content.

Get Started

Hello World

Use this embed code to integrate our Hello World advice.

<div class="taffrail-embed"><div class="taffrail-rw"><a data-tr-url data-tr-channel=preview href="https://www.advice.taffrail.com/c/TFU3nYztaJ8yxgNGQkGsP7k/iframe?key=YOUR_API_KEY"></a></div></div><script src="https://www.advice.taffrail.com/dist/js/embed.bundle.js" async charset="utf-8"></script>


Fetching embed code dynamically is also possible using our oEmbed API. Using the Hello World example, view the oEmbed API. This is only an example.

Key Features

  • You determine the widget's width by placing it inside a containing element on your site.
  • The widget will automatically adjust its height based on the Advice shown, and continue to resize based on assumptions modified by users.

Next Steps

After testing with this Hello World example, you can find unique embed codes for given Advice Sets from your Firm's dashboard or from Taffrail directly.

Commonly, embedded widgets would render complete Advice, that is, Advice with all inputs and assumptions answered or predefined. This can be accomplished by copying the embed code from a complete Advice scenario, or manually, by appending Variable name/value pairs as query parameters to the embed URL.

Take the following example for Marital_Status and Tax_Year:



  • Be sure to replace YOUR_API_KEY with an API key provided to you by Taffrail.
  • Use the data-tr-channel HTML attribute to configure the preferred API channel. "preview" is the default channel.